Just today, as I was working to deliver a major release on a product I'm working on, I found myself sidetracked by a little project of my own.
You see, there's this little problem with one of the data fields in the database. It's not major, just an annoyance, like a four year old poking you in the ribs for an hour, asking repeatedly, "Does this bug you?"
Well, it's been bugging me for ages. And I found myself today doing database queries and pasting data into Excel to have Excel build update queries for me using formulas (nice little time saver that is) so that I could include those statements in the SQL script to accompany the next major release.
And then it hit me: no one asked for this. It's not included in the test plan for this release. It's gold plating. I'm doing this because I want to, not because the customer asked me to.
Whoa, there, cowboy. Get a grip on yourself. Set that stuff aside, and focus on what you need to do, and not what you want to do. There are far more important deliverables to worry about, and you don't have time to waste on unauthorized features or fixes. Especially when those fixes are for issues that don't negatively impact the application. (It was a display issue--first name before last name.) It's just fluff.
In reflection, I find myself experiencing these kinds of monumental self-control issues all the time. I get really excited about the things I could do for the customer, and I really want to do them for them. But the truth is that just because I can do something for them, it doesn't mean that I should do it.
Any change that I make to the product has the potential to introduce new defects into the system. That's why every change that I make to it must be tested. It's why there's so much testing involved in software. (And if there isn't, something's seriously wrong.) And the testing doesn't just occur here, at my desk. It happens at the client. The product undergoes rigorous user acceptance testing. And testing isn't cheap--it consumes precious man hours, which equates to someone's hourly wages. And if I haven't gotten it right, it has to be fixed and retested. It can amount to massive amounts of money in man hours of testing.
Lets not forget the impact that the change has on updating the test plan, the release notes, requirements documentation, and user guides. Plus any associated costs with reprinting and redistributing them.
And what happens if the customer decides that my unauthorized change needs to be taken out? What if its impact on the system is so drastically negative that it must be removed? Can it be easily rolled back? And if it must be removed, what are the costs associated with doing so, and republishing all the updated documentation and builds?
Are you getting my point yet? The cost of a simple change isn't just what it takes me to code and test it at my desk. That's just the tip of a massive iceberg.
It takes a lot of self-control to prevent myself from adding features to a system when those features aren't (1) requested by the customer, (2) included in the project plan, and (3) absolutely critical to the current release.
The problem, I think, is that a lot of developers out there, myself included, don't get sufficient mentoring in the discipline of self-control when it comes to software development.
For example, we're all hailing the virtues of refactoring code to improve its maintainability, and I agree that that's a good and useful thing. But how many developers know that just because you can refactor a piece of code doesn't mean that you should? How many developers are out there bogging down project schedules because they're busy refactoring code when they should be developing software that meets the requirements for the project deadline?
(And here, I will sheepishly raise my hand.)
It occurs to me that before I ever modify a piece of code, before I ever touch that keyboard and write any new class or method, or create any new window or Web page, I should be asking myself, "Is this in the project plan? Is it critical to the current release?" If it doesn't satisfy one of those questions, I shouldn't be doing it.
The key to getting that product out the door on time is staying focused, and not getting sidetracked by fluff. Take it from someone with experience: it's easy to get sidetracked by fluff. Adding cool features is easy to do, because you're excited about it, and motivated to do it. Working on the required deliverables is hard work; it requires discipline and self-control. You have to stay focused and keep your eyes on the target. (You thought I was going to say "ball," didn't you?)
But we, as human beings, don't want to do what we need to do, we want to do what interests us, and what excites us. It takes an act of sheer will to resist that urge, to restrain ourselves, and get the real work done. I would imagine that one of the things that separates a mature developer from a novice developer is quite likely his or her ability to resist that urge to introduce fluff into software.
In the end, I think it might be a good idea if programming courses included curricula on self-control as a discipline for developers. And I mean that quite seriously. We need to have it drilled into our heads that we shouldn't be adding anything to the product that only serves our own sense of what's cool or useful. That's not to say that sometimes developers can't predict useful features before the users do; but they cannot and should not be introduced haphazardly into a product: they should be included as a planned feature as part of a scheduled release, so that they can be adequately tested and documented, and not just suddenly sprung upon someone as an easter egg.
There's a time and a place for everything. Gung-ho initiative has its proper place; software isn't one of them.